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Top 5 Reasons Why Self-Love is Important for Your Entrepreneur Business

Self-compassion is accepting you’re not superwoman, and allowing the space to be okay with that. When your small business is going through growing pains, take this opportunity to seek happiness and build self-love.

Is happiness important for success? Working towards happiness and self-love can help put you in the mindset for achieving your short-term and long-term goals. You might wonder, what does self-love mean?

What Does Self-Love Mean?

Self-love is essential for everything we do in life and looks different to the person who’s practicing it. The important thing, though, is discovering what self-love is for you.

This can look like:

  1. Allowing room for mistakes

  2. Prioritizing yourself

  3. Setting healthy boundaries

  4. Giving yourself forgiveness for current and past mistakes

  5. Taking care of our body and minds

Another aspect of self-love is both being kind and gentle with yourself. Allow self-love to drive you to make healthier choices in your life such as eating healthier and exercising.

Self-Love vs Narcissism

Self-love isn’t narcissism. According to Mayo Clinic, narcissism is a personality disorder that inflates one's ego and self-importance whilst hiding behind low self-esteem.

Self-love is learning about your habits and understanding your emotions. No external factor can tell you what your self worth is because it’s firmly secured in your identity.

How do You Find Self-Love

Self-care is really practicing a few different habits, such as:

  1. Not comparing yourself to others

  2. Allowing yourself to grow as a person

  3. Knowing you’re not defined by your past

Of course, self-love isn’t this straight forward. Many are overcoming trauma and dealing with negative self-talk. Well, what can you do about that? One thing is countering negative thinking with more positive self-talk that is rooted in reality.

5 Traits of Self-Love That Lead to Success

Determination: If you want to manifest your future success, you have to stay focused and determined that your idea will be a viable source of income. It has to be as real as the screen you’re reading this from.

Patience: Earlier mentioned growing pains. It’s going to take time to sustain yourself on your small business. So don’t feel like you failed if success doesn’t come overnight. As long as you inch forward to growth everyday, your success will skyrocket!

Resilience: Resilience is bouncing back quickly from setbacks. Don’t let setbacks stagger you for too long. Learn from them and adapt your approach moving forward.

Leadership: There’s no clear cut path to success. If you're driving in income and growing your business, no one can say you’re doing it wrong. Still, seek advice from others to see if you can adopt certain ingredients of their formula into your own plan.

Always learning: If you are unwilling to learn then you’re unwilling to grow. Soak in as much information as you can. Read books and articles. Attend seminars. Reach out to others. As an entrepreneur, the learning never stops.

Creativity: Creativity both in developing your product and service as well as in your marketing strategy. You will see that creativity is just another skill you must master as an entrepreneur. Never see a dead end as the end. Instead, view it as an opportunity to get you to where you want to go.

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